Dual Barge Drydocking Project: Boa Barge 29 & 30

BOA is proud to announce the successful completion of the “Dual Barge Drydocking” project, a testament to our innovative solutions and operational excellence. Contracted by Helix Energy Solutions, BOA was tasked with drydocking their well intervention semi-submersible vessel in the Gulf of Mexico. Given the vessel’s substantial footprint, BOA deployed our industry-leading dual barge solution, utilizing BOABARGE 29 and BOABARGE 30.

BOA proudly partnered with Helix Energy Solutions to drydock their well intervention semi-submersible vessel in the Gulf of Mexico. Given the vessel’s substantial footprint, BOA deployed our industry-leading dual barge solution, utilizing BOABARGE 29 and BOABARGE 30. Our team expertly synchronized the barges and meticulously oversaw the float-on operation, adhering to our stringent procedures and manuals.

Beyond operational management, BOA’s comprehensive scope of work encompassed the design and implementation of link beams, cribbing, and guideposts, ensuring a seamless and efficient process. This project underscores BOA’s commitment to delivering innovative and reliable solutions in the maritime industry.

