BOA is pleased to announce that in support our customer, Fagioli Inc., the launch of the First Jones Act-Compliant Wind Turbine Installation Vessel (WTIV), which was rolled onto the BOABARGE 29, BOABARGE 30 and BOABARGE 38, and then successfully placed in the water at builder’s Seatrium AmFELS shipyard in Brownsville, Texas.
This project marked the first three-barge simultaneous ballasting operation.
The WTIV launch is also notable for setting the record for the world’s largest load out totaling 26,000 tons including the world’s largest SPMT assembly of 880 axles.
Congratulations to all involved in this operation, and we wish Dominion and the crew of the Charybdis good luck with their new vessel!
We thank Fagioli for being a valued client of BOA.